The party enters the room, and huddles behind a desk towards the south corner.
It turns out that clicking on the east statue opens the door that I want, a door east of where the rest of the party is. The reason is that resting can cause a door you just opened to now be closed, and this can leave you permanently stuck with no way out. Whatever you do, don't rest until you're well past the rooms adjacent to the stairs from the level above. I don't know what doors the rug and statue combinations open specifically, so it becomes trial and error. The statues act as switches to open various doors in the vicinity, while the rug changes which doors the statues will open. Note that there are two statues on either side of a rug with a gargoyle image on it. I'm already loaded with plenty of missile ammunition, and any remaining items that I want I will find through exploring without having to buy it so it's not like I need a lot of gold anymore. Note that at this point in the game, I'm not looting everything in sight. She disarms the trap on the globe, which has spell scrolls and other treasure. Imoen begins by exploring the room to the southwest. It can be easy to find yourself permanently stuck on account of locked doors that you can't open. I recommend doing a backup savegame before exploring this level. Areas in Tales of the Sword Coast Ice Island |